About Lauren Bostock

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Meet Lauren

Sales Partner | CA DRE#01975240

Lauren McFadden continually works through every transaction with integrity, dedication, energy and creativity. Originally a local to Orange County, she relocated to AZ for her husband’s job in 2020 for 14 months. While there, she oversaw a complete home renovation of the interior and exterior during the pandemic, dramatically increasing the property’s value resulting in the highest PSF sale ever recorded in the neighborhood. Lauren would then move to Austin, TX, in August of 2021 to help grow the NMC ATX brand, where she completed yet another entire home renovation. 

As an advocate for her clients, Lauren takes a proactive approach to help people in both the buying and selling sides of real estate, empowering them to make the most informed, sound decisions possible. Whatever the task, she always pours her heart and soul into creating an incredible result, especially when it comes to her passion: interior design and staging. Lauren loves creating interior spaces that meet the homeowner's needs while keeping up with trends and staying within budget. Her thorough understanding of the competitiveness and emotion in the market today allows her to take charge and address details before they become a complication.  

From traveling local and abroad, she has perfected the skills of management, coordination and providing pertinent information to all in need. Lauren is a woman who values the same principles laid out by the founding fathers – namely, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. An active and adventurous person by nature, she enjoys a family-first way of life, including coaching her son’s soccer team and spending time with her three dogs. An invaluable asset to the team at NMC Realty, we are excited for her transition to the ATX brand. 

DRE# 01975240


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Whether it is establishing a sales price, holding open houses, accepting offers, or closing escrow, we will communicate with you on a regular basis
