We re-direct our search to Austin,TX. At that very moment I was beyond frustrated and perturbed that we had done so much research and were emotionally committed to the Dallas locale that this shift was maddening at first. My husband made the call to inform me we were going to be shifting our focus while on speaker with his business partners because he knew that was going to catch me SO off guard.
When your heart and soul are so dedicated to making sure its the absolute right move, you must shift gears. These days and hours I spent trying to detach from Dallas were tough. I felt out of control, like I had shared a big lie with my friends and family. Should I have kept this whole move to myself instead of leaning on my closest loved ones… this is crazy.
Its our crazy and Im so happy to have been going through it with my husband for our companies and our kiddos. This move was professionally initiated and personally backed. There was no turning around, we were destined to end up in Austin, TX.