There is no way a single person can make these instrumental decisions alone. Most people talk about having a team, or staff or preferred services they use. How many people can say that they have a “Board of Directors?”

A dear friend of mine had shared she had her own “Board of Directors,” people outside of her immediate family or relationships that they feel inclined to bounce ideas and decisions off. People that have experiences professionally and personally that may or may not be able to relate to you and give you neutral unbiased feedback. How powerful does that sound?

Team NMC has referral partners, venders’ affiliates and more that we can rely on for professional mentoring and feedback. This is key to success in a changing market or time sensitive contract for a client. This is how we succeed, team work.

Our business partners and teams are our closest friends and mentors. They have to interact with us on our good days & our bad days. They are always there to help analyze & assess what goals need to be achieved. It was natural that during these times we turned to them. Those people whose hearts were always all in to achieve the same end goal. We all fight for one another, we all laugh at one another and we've all cried together.

From growing businesses to growing our homes, the people in #NMCRealtyATX Take #6 didn’t just sit back and watch. They helped make it happen for my family and for our companies. Y’all aided our decisions but more importantly, you supported our HEARTS & GOALS.

We realized going through life the importance of having professional mentors, masterminding peers, neighbors & most importantly framily. Yes, Friend+Family= Framily!!


🙌🏼 Who is in your FRAMILY?

✔️ Have you established a BOARD OF DIRECTORS yet?

Work With Us

Whether it is establishing a sales price, holding open houses, accepting offers, or closing escrow, we will communicate with you on a regular basis