Before Freezing Weather

  • Wrap all exposed pipes located outside or in unheated areas of the home.
  • Remove garden hoses from outside faucets.
  • Cover vents around the foundation of your home.
  • Know where your property owner’s cut-off valve is located and how to use it. The valve is located adjacent to the water meter box under a 6″ metal lid.
  • Cover your sprinkler backflow pipes.  This is a U-shaped pipe that sticks up from the ground.  Here is a link to some on Amazon.

In Sub-Freezing Weather

  • Drip outside faucets 24 hours a day (5 drops per minute).This is not necessary unless temperatures are expected to be 28 degrees or below for at least 4 hours. (Be sure to turn off the faucets after the threat of freezing weather.)
  • Open cabinet doors under sinks adjacent to outside walls.
  • In unheated garages, shut off water to washing machines. Water softeners should be drained and protected from freezing temperatures.
  • In sustained sub-freezing weather, let water drip slowly from inside faucets.
  • Take extra precautions to protect pipes that have frozen in the past.

If You Are Not Going To Be At Home

  • Shut water off at the property owner’s cut-off valve.
  • Drain all outside water faucets if your house will be unoccupied for several days (leave outside faucets
  • Or, leave the home heating system on at a low setting.
  • Open cabinet doors under sinks adjacent to outside walls.
Renters and tenants may be responsible for personal property damage caused by broken water pipes during severe weather conditions. Residents should contact property management/landlord or maintenance personnel to locate property owner’s cut-off valve and find ways to avoid pipe breakage
during a freeze.

WCID 17 encourages all residents to turn off and drain outside irrigation systems during the winter months to help conserve water. However, businesses that continue to operate landscape irrigation systems are asked to shut their systems off in order to prevent possible freezing of pedestrian areas and damage caused by freezing conditions

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Whether it is establishing a sales price, holding open houses, accepting offers, or closing escrow, we will communicate with you on a regular basis